
Spacious discoveries

by Freeke Joan

Learnings, experiences and tips & tricks for anyone to reference as inspiration, to get to know me better, during difficult times, stressful workdays or cosy breaks.

Freeke Joan Freeke Joan

The pace of peace

Simplicity is not a lack,
but a return to the essence.
It’s the pause between two notes,
the silence that makes the music.

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Freeke Joan Freeke Joan

It's okay to fail

Failure reflects your effort, your courage, and your willingness to show up even when success isn’t guaranteed. It shows you the parts of yourself that need love, patience, and understanding.

When you fail, you’re not broken. You’re beautifully human.

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Freeke Joan Freeke Joan

On letting go

Letting go is not a loss,
it’s the opening of your hands.
It’s trusting the wind
to carry you where you need to be.

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